Wheel Balancing


Wheel balancing is the process of balancing the weight of a tire and wheel assembly so that it travels evenly at high speeds. Out of balance tyres can cause

  • Car vibrations at high speed
  • Steering wobbling
  • Premature or irregular tyre wear
  • Early wear on suspension parts

Wheel balancing allows the tyres and wheels to spin without causing any vibrations. It protects balance and grip of the wheels and even the wobbling of steering and ultimately of the car.



Wheel Balancing

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Wheel alignment is the checking and correcting of various angles of cars suspension for Even wear and tear of all tyres with lowest resistance to wear Better vehicle stability Better driving comfort and safety Better fuel economy
Nitrogen inflation is the process of replacing regular compressed air with this gas. Merits: Safety: Nitrogen that is close to inertia gas is dry and not easy to expand by heat and contract by cold so that to reduce the tire blowing
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